
Business Analytics

Explorar datos, analizar indicadores claves de negocio y visualizarlos en tableros de control (dashboards)


Financial Controller

y tomar decisiones informadas

Ayudamos a mejorar sus finanzas

Startups y

    Contact Us

Modelos Financieros y Análisis de Escenarios
Un servicio a medida para hacer crecer su empresa

Servicios Financieros


Evolution Business Performance es exactamente lo que sugiere el nombre.

Nuestro enfoque está 100% en medir y gestionar la performance de su empresa.

Le damos sentido a los informes de desempeño financiero y operativo y lo ayudamos con los procesos de gestión presupuestaria y gestión del efectivo.

Preparamos Tableros de Control y reportes personalizados que le permitirán saber dónde se encuentra y, lo que es más importante, hacia dónde se dirige.

Nuestro servicio de Business Analytics le ayudará a descubrir los indicadores clave de rendimiento que impulsan su negocio a un mejora operativa y financiera.


Servicios Financieros


Evolution Business Performance es exactamente lo que sugiere el nombre.

Nuestro enfoque está 100% en medir y gestionar la performance de su empresa.

Le damos sentido a los informes de desempeño financiero y operativo y lo ayudamos con los procesos de gestión presupuestaria y gestión del efectivo.

Preparamos Tableros de Control y reportes personalizados que le permitirán saber dónde se encuentra y, lo que es más importante, hacia dónde se dirige.

Nuestro servicio de Business Analytics le ayudará a descubrir los indicadores clave de rendimiento que impulsan su negocio a un mejora operativa y financiera.

Nuestros pilares

Nuestros Pilares

Nos enfocamos en las siguientes áreas

Modelo Financiero y Planeamiento

Colaboramos en avanzar y alcanzar los objetivos económicos y financieros de su empresa. Análisis de Escenarios - Presupuestos - Modelos de Negocios - Modelos de Valoración

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Data analytics & Dashboards

Reportes y Tableros de Control con elementos visuales claros y fáciles de entender para realizar seguimiento, mejorar el rendimiento empresarial y tomar decisiones informadas.

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Startups y Emprendedores

Planeamiento estratégico y finaciero para emprendedores y startups.
Acompañamiento y asesoramiento desde la fundación del negocio hasta el éxito empresarial.

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Implementación de Sistemas

Incorporar software y tecnología para ganar eficiencia automatizando procesos, reducir tiempos y costes operativos y obtener información más fiable.

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Los datos son todo

Analizamos datos para encontrar respuestas útiles

  • ¿Qué estamos vendiendo?
  • ¿Es nuestra política de precios correcta?
  • ¿Conocemos realmente a nuestros clientes?
  • ¿Cuáles son nuestros productos/servicios con más beneficio?
  • ¿Qué fechas, meses, días y horas son las de mayor venta?
  • ¿Cuándo debería hacerse una promoción? ¿Cómo hacerla?
  • ¿Están llegando nuestros envíos a tiempo?
  • ¿Estamos innovando lo suficiente?
  • ¿Están satisfechos nuestros clientes y colaboradores?
  • ¿Cómo medimos nuestra eficiencia?
Si no está seguro de alguna de las preguntas anteriores, es hora de que hable con nuestro equipo.

El análisis de los datos de su empresa responderá todas estas preguntas y más, y le brindará valiosa información que le ayudará a mejorar el funcionamiento de su empresa.

Estamos para ayudarlo a definir y crear indicadores para medir el desempeño general del negocio.

Dashboards & Reportes


Presupuestos Financieros


Modelos Financieros


Clientes Satisfechos


Desde Startups hasta empresas consolidadas, simplifique sus finanzas y alcance sus objetivos empresariales.

Nuestro Board

Nuestro Board

Las claves de nuestro equipo
Entendemos que administrar una empresa es un desafío y que las finanzas a menudo pueden resultar abrumadoras.

Nuestra misión es simplificar el análisis financiero y empresarial y hacerlo accesible y relevante para los propietarios y gerentes de empresas.

Le damos sentido a sus cuentas de negocios y al desempeño de su empresa, con el foco puesto en el futuro.
Laura Cosgrove
Laura Cosgrove

Partner / CEO

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Juan Pablo Vázquez Albano
Juan Pablo Vázquez

Chief Operation Officer

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Marlborough Youth Trust has been so lucky to have the services & wisdom from EBP.

Our Trustees have really liked having clear reporting for our financial position and activity performance.

The communication and consistency have been a great support for our accounts & payroll staff.

We have found the staff at Evolution Business Performance are kind, knowledgeable, encouraging and enthusiastic
about what MYT is trying to achieve with actively supporting youth to be connected, confident and contributing
within Marlborough and Aotearoa.

Jo Lane, Manager
Marlborough Youth Trust

Laura and her team have enable HASCI to see the true financial performance of the business with clarity.

The Evolution team provide insights to the business enabling us to see potential opportunities
or foresee issues well before we could have before.

Our monthly reports are now a key focus for our business strategy meetings and enable us to make better decisions.

Laura is always a pleasure to deal with. No request is too small or ever an issue.

We love working with her and her team.

Catherine Solari - HASCI Treasurer
Hataitai After School Care

Thanks to EBP's financial model, we are able to run different scenarios based on informed data and business analysis
to determine our cash path and plan ahead for the next steps we need to take in our business to continue our growth plan.

The flexibility of the model allows us to make different evaluations under different assumptions and market strategies
to forecast profits, margins and cash flows.

Dashboard reports and visuals give us the business intelligence and strategy we like to see in a clear and simple way
so we can better understand and make good decisions.

Excellent report to be presented to your Board for information and decision making!

Thank you Laura and Juan for your dedication, advice and support!

We highly recommend EBP services!

Luke Sinclair - Founder & CEO
FTN Motion

Evolution Business Performance held the high level finances of our company whilst we went through a change process.

Laura brought financial acumen which we very much appreciated, but more importantly
we found her to be generous, honest and helpful.

The dashboard reports Evolution Business Performance provided us were succint, relevant and easy to undertand.

I have no hesitation recommending their services to other companies looking for high level financial support.

Desiree Williams, Board Director
Thank You Payroll

EBP has provided me with the high level and strategic support that my business was looking for.

Their clear reporting, business analysis, financial modelling and their recommendations have supported me to move forward
and make good firm and informed decisions for my business.

Their V-CFO model provides us with the professional support and certainly that my Business needed
without the need to employ a full time CFO.

Thanks Laura and her team for your great work!

Shane Wineera - Managing Director
HighRise Group Ltd


¡Nuestros clientes opinan!

Esto es lo que nuestros clientes dicen de nosotros...¡Sea uno de ellos!

Marlborough Youth Trust has been so lucky to have the services & wisdom from EBP.

Our Trustees have really liked having clear reporting for our financial position and activity performance.

The communication and consistency have been a great support for our accounts & payroll staff.

We have found the staff at Evolution Business Performance are kind, knowledgeable, encouraging and enthusiastic
about what MYT is trying to achieve with actively supporting youth to be connected, confident and contributing
within Marlborough and Aotearoa.

Jo Lane, Manager
Marlborough Youth Trust

Laura and her team have enable HASCI to see the true financial performance of the business with clarity.

The Evolution team provide insights to the business enabling us to see potential opportunities
or foresee issues well before we could have before.

Our monthly reports are now a key focus for our business strategy meetings and enable us to make better decisions.

Laura is always a pleasure to deal with. No request is too small or ever an issue.

We love working with her and her team.

Catherine Solari - HASCI Treasurer
Hataitai After School Care

Thanks to EBP's financial model, we are able to run different scenarios based on informed data and business analysis
to determine our cash path and plan ahead for the next steps we need to take in our business to continue our growth plan.

The flexibility of the model allows us to make different evaluations under different assumptions and market strategies
to forecast profits, margins and cash flows.

Dashboard reports and visuals give us the business intelligence and strategy we like to see in a clear and simple way
so we can better understand and make good decisions.

Excellent report to be presented to your Board for information and decision making!

Thank you Laura and Juan for your dedication, advice and support!

We highly recommend EBP services!

Luke Sinclair - Founder & CEO
FTN Motion

Evolution Business Performance held the high level finances of our company whilst we went through a change process.

Laura brought financial acumen which we very much appreciated, but more importantly
we found her to be generous, honest and helpful.

The dashboard reports Evolution Business Performance provided us were succint, relevant and easy to undertand.

I have no hesitation recommending their services to other companies looking for high level financial support.

Desiree Williams, Board Director
Thank You Payroll

EBP has provided me with the high level and strategic support that my business was looking for.

Their clear reporting, business analysis, financial modelling and their recommendations have supported me to move forward
and make good firm and informed decisions for my business.

Their V-CFO model provides us with the professional support and certainly that my Business needed
without the need to employ a full time CFO.

Thanks Laura and her team for your great work!

Shane Wineera - Managing Director
HighRise Group Ltd

¡Nuestros clientes opinan!

Esto es lo que nuestros clientes dicen de nosotros...¡Sea uno de ellos !

Marlborough Youth Trust has been so lucky to have the services & wisdom from EBP.

Our Trustees have really liked having clear reporting for our financial position and activity performance.

The communication and consistency have been a great support for our accounts & payroll staff.

We have found the staff at Evolution Business Performance are kind, knowledgeable, encouraging
and enthusiastic about what MYT is trying to achieve with actively supporting youth to be connected,
confident and contributing within Marlborough and Aotearoa.

Jo Lane, Manager
Marlborough Youth Trust

Laura and her team have enable HASCI to see the true financial performance of the business with clarity.

The Evolution team provide insights to the business enabling us to see potential opportunities
or foresee issues well before we could have before.

Our monthly reports are now a key focus for our business strategy meetings and enable us
to make better decisions.

Laura is always a pleasure to deal with. No request is too small or ever an issue.

We love working with her and her team.

Catherine Solari - HASCI Treasurer
Hataitai After School Care

Thanks to EBP's financial model, we are able to run different scenarios based on informed
data and business analysis to determine our cash path and plan ahead for the next steps
we need to take in our business to continue our growth plan.

Dashboard reports and visuals give us the business intelligence and strategy we like to see
in a clear and simple way so we can better understand and make good decisions.

Excellent report to be presented to your Board for information and decision making!

Thank you Laura and Juan for your dedication, advice and support!

We highly recommend EBP services!

Luke Sinclair - Founder & CEO
FTN Motion

Evolution Business Performance held the high level finances of our company whilst
we went through a change process.

Laura brought financial acumen which we very much appreciated, but more importantly
we found her to be generous, honest and helpful.

The dashboard reports Evolution Business Performance provided us were succint,
relevant and easy to undertand.

I have no hesitation recommending their services to other companies looking for high level financial support.

Desiree Williams, Board Director
Thank You Payroll

EBP has provided me with the high level and strategic support that my business was looking for.

Their clear reporting, business analysis, financial modelling and their recommendations
have supported me to move forward and make good firm and informed decisions for my business.

Their V-CFO model provides us with the professional support and certainly that my Business needed
without the need to employ a full time CFO.

Thanks Laura and her team for your great work!

Shane Wineera - Managing Director
HighRise Group Ltd

Contact Us


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Oficinas en
Hataitai, Wellington &

Blenheim, Marlborough
New Zealand
+ 64 21 853 773

Alicante, España
+34 632 60 90 03